Supplements from naturally sourced ingredients - personalized health and fitness plans

Guided Health Programs

There has never been a more important time to identify underlying health issues and improve your overall health. If you have lingering symptoms like allergies, difficulty sleeping, difficulty losing weight, or any of a host of other symptoms, you likely have an underlying health issue. This places you at high risk of chronic diseases. Likewise, if you currently have a chronic disease like autoimmune, diabetes, GERD, or high blood pressure, it is important to address and resolve the root cause, as these are progressive and almost always lead to additional health problems. Additionally, we now know that underlying chronic health problems put you at increased risk of adverse outcomes with COVID and other infections.

While preventing and reversing chronic disease is often difficult or confusing, our highly trained and experienced practitioners have helped many patients regain their health. We offer both group and individual programs to meet your health and financial objectives. You also have the option to talk with your practitioner either virtual or in-person.

Our Most Popular Guided Programs Include

  • Autoimmune
  • Cardiovascular (high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, etc.)
  • Detoxification
  • Diabetes
  • Gastrointestinal (GERD, IBD, IBS, Crohn's, etc.)
  • Weight loss

How Does It Work?

We start by assessing your current health status, lifestyle, and personal goals. In doing this we utiliize standard labaratory tests, questionnaires, and consultations (via phone, zoom, or in person). In some cases we may order more advanced functional medicine labs to identify the underlying cause of symptoms (like metabolic imbalances, genetics, toxins, etc.). At this point, depending on whether you elected to participate in group or individual sessions, we will guide you through the process to improve your health. (If you select the group program your personal and confidential information is never discussed in the group setting and we communicate that information to you individually).

Programs are designed to identify the root cause of your health issues and rebuild your health from the inside out.

Program membership indludes:

  • Your first visit is one hour, during which our practitioner maps your health history, symptoms, health goals and creates a personalized health plan designed to identify and treat your perisitent symptoms and develop a health action plan.
  • Determine if any additional lab testing is necessary.
  • Plans are tailored specifically for your needs and goals, including: nutrition, fitness, medications, medical-grade supplement recommendations, and more.
  • Weekly touch base with your practitioner to check progress, answer questions, and make any necessary adjustments.
  • Access to wellness partners as well as a substantial discounts on supplements.
  • Messaging and support with your practitioner to get answers, schedule appointments, manage prescriptions and supplements, all in your secure patient portal.
  • Cancel any time : We offer a flexible cancellation policy. This is because every situation and health condition is different. While some patients get results after the initial consultation, others can take much more time to heal. Most patients find that 3 to 6 months is the ideal timeline to address health goals.

Click on the list of available programs below to learn more about the program.